Juggling isn’t for everyone and you might not be able to think of anything worse than wasting hours and hours trying to learn to throw balls in the air but Bangkok juggling club can even be fun for spectators.
Most days (weather permitting) you’ll find at least someone in Bom Kasamen park, Phra Atit Road playing with some kind of circus object, and many more on the weekend. Juggling is the general term for what is technically know as “object manipulation” and covers the skills of manipulating a range of objects including balls, clubs, poi, devil sticks, staff, hoops or even bottles (flare).
Kamol (23), who has been coming to this park for 2 years says “everyone is welcome to join in but if you’d rather not, you can just sit and watch”. There were people chilling all around Bom Kasamen but the juggling was certainly drawing a crowd. Some of the things that these people could do were extremely impressive.
Juggling is one activity that really bridges language barriers and it was nice to see a mix of foreign and Thai people getting involved.
Joff, 28 from England said “trying to teach technical moves is a bit tricky but its fun to juggle with people from all over the world without needing to speak the same language”.
Pierre, a career juggler from France, who has been juggling his way around Asia for the last three years says: “I always seem to end up back in Bangkok and there’s a really good atmosphere here, there’s some really good jugglers here too”.
If you’re bored and like a good show, Bom Kasamen makes for a really nice way to wind away a Saturday afternoon, and if you’re feeling brave enough to give it a try, you’ll be made to feel more than welcome, no matter how old you are!!!
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